KJV audio Bible produced by Talking Bibles International.
The total size of all files is 1.16GB, with a total reading time of 85 hours, 9 minutes. The recording was made in 1999 with narrator Dan Wagner, a retired minister from California. The format is voice only. Special thanks to TalkingBibles.org for providing this audio Bible absolutely free. |
KJV audio Bible produced by Firefighters for Christ.
The total size of all files is 928MB, with a total reading time of 67 hours, 25.5 minutes. The recording was made in 2002 with narrator Stephen Johnston. The format incudes a soft music background. Special thanks to Firefighters.org for providing this audio Bible absolutely free. |
Please feel free to make copies of these recordings for personnal non-commercial use only.
For commercial and fund raising distribution, or posting on a website, please contact
TalkingBibles.org or Firefighters.org for additional information.
Each book can be downloaded individually, or 6 zip files that contain the entire Bible.
Right click on the book, then Save Targe As.
For commercial and fund raising distribution, or posting on a website, please contact
TalkingBibles.org or Firefighters.org for additional information.
Each book can be downloaded individually, or 6 zip files that contain the entire Bible.
Right click on the book, then Save Targe As.